Specialty Show Bratislava, 14.5.2010, judge: Harry Vella, Malta
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At the beginning of the year, after the club meeting, the newly elected CSC Committee addressed the organizer of the IDS DuoDanube Bratislava with the opportunity to organize a spring Special Show before the show weekend, on Friday, directly at the Incheba Exhibition Center. In addition, we got the opportunity to share the costs of the judge who also judged during the weekend IDS. We accepted SKJ offer and chose from the nominated judges and invited Mr. Harry Vella, the president of the Kennel Club in Malta.
The dogs entered above expectations – probably thanks to an invited judge from an exotic country but also the opportunity to get 3x CAC (CAJC) during one weekend. After the end of the deadline, the number of registered dogs stopped at 56 – which is the highest number in the history of our spring Special Shows.
The local representatives were complemented by a rich amount from the Czech Republic, there were also Hungarians and a regular participant at our shows – Mrs. K.Krainz from Austria. The atmosphere was in a great mood from early in the morning – although there was bad weather outside, it was pleasant in the hall. There was really plenty of space around the ring for exhibitors, who were slowly coming together at noon.
The show was opened by the president of CSC, Mrs. Jana Lančaričová. She welcomed rare guests – the judge Mr. Harry Vella from Matla and Mrs. Katarína Stašková, the representative of the generous sponsor, the company Pharmacopola s.r.o., the exclusive importer of the food ROYAL CANIN in Slovakia. In addition to the general sponsor, the company ILANA, s.r.o., the owner of e-shop www.zoo-zoo.sk, AQUAPET – the exclusive importer TOMMI, a_set, s.r.o. and Mrs. Iveta Uhrová. Thank you very much! The staff of the ring took care of the smooth running of the show – the head of ring and at the same time the interpreter was Mrs. Nora Takáčová and scorer Mrs. Soňa Heldová. At 13.00 the judging began.
The judge started judging the statics in the table, checked the bite, took care of the right head with a typical cocker expression, the right size and correct angulations were extremely important. After writing the report, he usually asked for run one or two rounds and decided the placement. The level of performance of dog owners was very diverse – well-known faces, long-time breeders and cocker fans presented their dogs at a high level. The newcomers, whose handling caused an amusing smile on the judge face, stood out all the more prominent, were more visible. And many newcomers left the ring with the determination that they must thoroughly complete the overall presentation of their dog at home.
Both ladies in the ring were perfect professionals (for which they deserved great recognition from the judge after the end of the show), so the entry into the ring went smoothly and without delays.
Excellent homemade strudel, coffee and mineral water were served to all exhibitors and their guests during the judging. After the end and a short break, the show continued with final competitions. They were traditionally started by children in the Child and dog competition. In conclusion, the president of CSC thanked all those who had the credit for the successful course of the show – the judge, staff in the ring, sponsors, committee members, photographer. She invited all exhibitors for a small snack – grilled chicken.
We were also interested – of course – in the impressions of the judge from the show and his opinion on the level of presented cockers. Mr. Vella highly appreciated the organization and especially the wonderful cooperation with both ladies in the ring. He would like such professional staff to meet more often at shows. And how did he see presented cockers? He said: „I am a judge who judges a large number of breeds around the world. I like dogs that meet the standard. In this regard, I saw a lot of too big (BIG, BIG) cockers today. Personally, I do not like big cockers, that was how I decided in individual classes. I can say that the dogs I chose as the winners of color varieties and beyond – these meet my idea of English Cocker, I really liked them. What still needs to be improved in your country is working with exhibitors. Some attempts to handle their dogs were really funny. Weak handling often unnecessarily reduces the rating of a dog quality. The exhibitors should still work hard on that.
On the contrary, I also saw some very good examples of handling here, when the handler was able to accurately highlight the dog´s qualities and suppress shortcomings.

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