Vojka nad Dunajom 17.11.2022
In order to support and further develop the skills of our members, we have prepared a show grooming seminar. The event took place in the training hall in Vojka under the guidance of long-time experienced breeder and groomer Petr Studeník from Czech Republic. In addition to a presentation of cocker grooming, Mr. Studeník shared with us a lot of practical advice on how to regularly keep the coat in good condition, what kind of tools to use, … The participants could then practically try out all the advice on their dogs, still under the direct supervision of an expert, who also helped with the final fine tuning. He devoted himself to each team individually according to the current experience of the owner and the condition of the dog´s coat.
We all enjoyed the event in a nice and friendly atmosphere, including a tasty lunch.
We are looking forward to the next club event.
![Klubový seminár výstavného groomingu](https://www.cockerspanielclub.sk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/seminar-uprava-NOV-2022.png)